Head and Neck Cancer Screening DC

Otolaryngology or ENT (ear, nose, and throat) is the branch of medicine and surgery that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the head and neck. It is the oldest medical practice in the United States and nearly 50% of all office visits pertain to the ear, nose, and throat.

It is to screen for:

    1.  Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC)
    2. Sinonasal cancer
    3. Oral cancer
    4. Pharyngeal cancer
    5. Laryngeal cancer (Voice box cancer)


    1. Neck swelling
    2. Nose bleeding
    3. Blood stained saliva / sputum
    4. Change in voice
    5. Difficulty swallowing

Risk factors:

    1. Chronic/heavy smoker (average of >10 packs per year)
    2. Heavy alcohol drinker (average of >2 drinks per day for man; > 1)
    3. Family history of NPC / larynx carcinoma
    4. Prolonged exposure to chemical fume/ wood dust/ asbestos drink per day for women
    5. Betel nut or tobacco chewing

It consists of:

    1. Otoendoscopy
    2. Oroendoscopy
    3. Nasoendosscopy
    4. Flexible laryngoscopy
    5. ENT specialist consultation


    1. The procedure will last about 10 – 15 minutes.
    2. No special preparation needed prior to procedure.
    3. Before the scope, the doctor will spray a local anesthesia into the nose.
    4. Possible complications including injury to the nose or throat. However complications rate is very low.

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BP Healthcare Glenmarie (Operation HQ)

BP Healthcare Medan Tuanku (Corporate HQ)

Lot 2, Jalan Pendaftar U1/54,
Section U1, Temasya @ Glenmarie,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

No. 17, 19 & 21, Lorong Medan Tuanku 2, Medan Tuanku, 50300 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-55699996
WhatsApp: 012-5909912
Tel: 03-92129266
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