Press Release Published by Kwong Wah Yit Poh
The press release published by Kwong Wah Yit Poh on 29 October 2015.
PRESS RELEASE (ENGLISH) For over 30 years, BP Healthcare Group has served the community and is one of the leading healthcare providers. As an integral part of the community, BP Healthcare Group is actively involved in conducting Corporate Social Responsibility . It is an opportune time to usher Deewali by having a Health Awareness event organised by BP Diagnostic Centre Penang to be held on Saturday 7th Nov 2015 . Love our Life (LOL) is what we try to resonate to the public in general. To lead the way, Jatomi Fitness Centre will be encouraging the crowd with aerobics performances. Health talk, FREE health Tests are also in the programme. There will be many more exciting activities. Early bird Registration gets to get BP T-Shirt. The first 50 to register will get FREE rapid sugar test and many more lucky draw prizes to be won. Free Door Gifts and vouchers worth more than RM400.00 will be given out. All who attends shall not be left hungry for refreshments will be served. Looking forward to sharing,celebrating and ushering yet another festivity with everyone.